


A Performance on Your Stage

Standing on a stage (known in the international wizarding world as Stand Up) and captivating a hall full of people is a whole different discipline than moving between the spectators from table to table.

Thanks to his many years of experience, Marco Miele is able to offer all the facets of the art of magic. So also a captivating stage show, of which your guests and colleagues will talk for a long time.

However, stage performance does not mean that Marco’s magic will not be transmitted personally.

Of course, there is also the opportunity here to get gests on stage and involve them in the show.

Marco Miele | Magie Hautnah

Do you want a particular family member to be hypnotized? Or is there a colleague you would like to see stunned? The magician and mentalist likes to involve guests, making them the center of his magical performance for a short time. Find out what is possible on stage and book the magician from Stuttgart: the magician, mentalist and hypnotist Marco Miele!

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